Friday, November 26, 2021

Wake up Lebanon!

Wake up Lebanon! 

It’s not fun that we lost our life savings in the banks. No it’s not a funny tale we tell about how we’ve been robbed. It’s not funny that we can’t pay the generator’s bill. It’s not funny that we don’t have electricity in the first place. It’s not funny that we never had tab water and that we have to buy water to drink and we also have to buy shower water, both from different sources and two different bills. 

Wake up Lebanon! No it’s not acceptable any longer to make jokes and to say that we, Lebanese people are high spirited keeping our humor amidst any sort of crisis. Wake up we pay two bills for electricity that is not provided despite those bills and we pay three bills for water that still is not provided.

Wake up Lebanon! It’s not fun that we can no longer afford to fill our cars with fuel to go to a hospital that we no longer date dreaming that we are going to get the necessary medical treatment inside it’s premises.

Wake up Lebanon! It’s no longer amusing to joke about our schools empty from Lebanese students yet filled with refugees children, because Lebanese families have left the country to any other land that provides them the dignity of learning the basics.

No longer it’s acceptable that we continue to make pleasantry about our currency that we never respected when we were living a luxurious life like no other, and that we now lost for the fever of dollars. Wake up Lebanon!

No longer it’s tolerable that we make fun of our corrupted politicians while we should gather forces to jail them and get back the money and the wealth of our national treasury. Wake up Lebanon!

No longer should we accept tolerance of banking system denying us our money without raising trials and police enforcement to give back the stolen billions and billions of bank notes. Wake up Lebanon!

Wake up Lebanon!  It was never funny before this deadly crisis wiping out the face of Lebanon, that we never objected not having a primitive infra structure, no not funny. Nor it was funny that we didn’t have public transportation and it wasn’t funny that we put pride about dining and dancing in restaurants and night clubs built in the train stations. No it isn’t funny nor it was humorous telling jokes about national institutes of research of all kind that we never had and never demanded to establish. It’s intimidating how we brag knowing some big ass in all sorts of public organizations and it’s disgraceful how we feel strong by having a “wasta” of any kind.

It’s unacceptable that we’ve been bombarded with nuclear and that our blood and teared homes are still bleeding and no one is standing besides the families of the deceased to claim justice for the innocent victims of Beirut port. Wake up Lebanon!

It’s funny how you make jokes about the president’s pajamas and it’s funnier how you don’t hold him responsible for leading the country into the darkness of terror and hunger.

It’s funny how you invent pleasantries about the parliment and much much funnier that you have been re-electing them to represent you and speak for you nationally and internationally.

It’s funny how the same political-religious leaders who gave you weapon to make war on their behalf, are still now ruling you and running the country. Very funny how after 35 years of clashes and war, no one have weaken up nor have woke up! Very funny!

Wake up Lebanon wake up!

Rabiya Taok

Monday, November 22, 2021

استغلال مش استقلال

 ذكرى الإستقلال
صارت عيد استغلال
بيكفينا بقا استهبال 
يا حكّام يا أنذال
بدّلتوا علينا الأحوال
أزلام نصب واحتيال 
سرقتوا منّا الأموال
فقر ومرض وإنعزال
لبنان وطن الإعتدال
صار رهينة الإحتلال
فئران العمالة والإبتذال
أشباه رجال ومَنكُن رجال
تجويع وتفجير وإغتيال
انشاءالله بجهنّم الإحتفال
بيليق بقاماتكم يا أرذال 
قليل فيكم شو ما نقال
يا مين يشيلنا من الأوحال
وتنحطّوا ورا القضبان بالأغلال
ربيعة طوق